The dish is elliptical and measures 85cm in diameter with the height being 65cm. No effort at all is required to crank it and position it - but you do need to cut a 32mm hole in your roof to mount it

It is currently still mounted to the camper and I'm waiting for a day of solid good weather before I take it off so it will be available to post later this week. Hopefully.
The new shiny kits go for around £450 on't Ebay. There was an upgrade to the materials in 2012 making them lighter, this will be around 2006 which is the year of the camper. I'm interested in the £200 figure including postage to the UK or could pick up in Dundee later this week or North Yorkshire from the 13th April for £180.
Pictures can be seen here: ... =3&theater
I have the manual with fitting instructions and European coverage charts and all fittings that go with it will be included.
I'll upload some images later as tinypic is down for maintenance, unless I can link to them from the FB group?