Modification to Skarosser8l Pt 1; the longsleeper

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Re: Modification in a Skarosser 8l/ partone/ the longsleeper

Post: # 13973Post Madmountainman
June 29th, 2016, 5:52 pm

I won't make it this year, due to work and I may well be abroad next year, so it'll most likely be 2018 before I get to go.

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Re: Modification in a Skarosser8l/pt one/ the longsleeper

Post: # 13977Post zildjian
June 30th, 2016, 7:03 am

Heard anything back from campsite in Salop?

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Re: Modification to Skarosser8l Pt 1; the longsleeper

Post: # 14003Post zildjian
July 1st, 2016, 2:22 pm

OK I've tried this with ours now,
Sue in fact can just about manage as-is but I'm adding an oblong cushion my side at feet end &
(Poppi is adding to our growing list of upholstery)

80x 30cm block cushion will sit in a simple detachable tray hooked over existing bed side panel and stick out maybe 30cm,
not worked out the detail yet but looking forward to seeing how it works and i'll add pictures for Grant's benefit at least :D

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Re: Modification to Skarosser8l Pt 1; the longsleeper

Post: # 14019Post Toshbins
July 2nd, 2016, 6:50 pm

In the Swiss Tischer website, when a lengthways bed is specified you can have a wardrobe arrangement in the Luton alongside it. Good extra space and weight forward. Don't know why it seems to be a Swiss only option.

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Try before you buy

Post: # 14181Post zildjian
July 10th, 2016, 4:24 pm

Want to be certain before I take a power tool to the bed so re-purposed the square tube from the cot side,
ordered a foam foot cushion (Which Poppies is sewing up for us) and made up a shallow tray to hang it off edge of bed
(Now foot of bed)

This one with couple of pillow cases in red but will match rest of upholstery later


Up-cycled cot side reconfigured with chanel on back out of sight, hangs on bed side supported by prop on front
its not to get in & out of bed on, just goes on at sleepy time to carry cushion


Out of use in daytime it folds flat like a music stand out of the way


Dogs spectating as I wouldn't let them in garage as I made it, with so much sawdust and steel filings to tread everywhere

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Re: Modification to Skarosser8l Pt 1; the longsleeper

Post: # 14190Post Alexd
July 10th, 2016, 8:47 pm

Lately there has been a few mentions of changing the way the beds laid out, wonder if tischer for example can offer anything as option like PBcamper has made, he has proved it can be done neatly after all

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Re: Modification to Skarosser8l Pt 1; the longsleeper

Post: # 14226Post derestrictor
July 12th, 2016, 7:06 pm

Seems a pity there isn't more choice for buyers as someone must always get shoved in the corner all the time and difficult to get out overnight

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Re: Modification to Skarosser8l Pt 1; the longsleeper

Post: # 14399Post Madmountainman
July 20th, 2016, 9:28 am

Okay, i'm progressing with my lengthways sleeper plan.
I'm looking at using the same principles that the drop down/up side table option uses on the S.Karossers. I've spotted these heavy duty folding shelf brackets and will use a flat board, with an end edge on the long side or some velcro - to stop the cushion sliding off, but have a question. I'm going to fit the extension centrally, and will use one of the seat cushions as the infill.Due to the nature of the construction, do you think I will need to use 2 or 4 brackets, to spread the loading onto the bulkhead, as I don't want to use too few and have screws being stripped out?
The current table will go into storage, as it's way too big, and i'm going to fit a single leg table, mounted to a bracket that screws to the front edge pf the battery compartment.

The first link's for a plated bracket, with a good 270mm length for attaching to the bulkhead and the second one's a nice stainless steel one, but only with a 165mm length for attaching to the bulkhead. Will either do the job, or am I better gong for the longer bracket?

Image ... 00-kg.html

Image ... steel.html

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Re: Modification to Skarosser8l Pt 1; the longsleeper

Post: # 14400Post zildjian
July 20th, 2016, 12:35 pm

Not sure the headboard is going to stand for that a little table's one thing this looks a bit much.

how about some battens vertically then at least you could then bond those and fix to them, there's certainly room to get a horizontal fixing on behind the bed 'side' at top,
if you pop that off you'll see the ends of the mattress boarding

(also possibly consider doing this shelf in two halves with a 2' gap in the middle to get up and down through)

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Re: Modification to Skarosser8l Pt 1; the longsleeper

Post: # 14403Post Madmountainman
July 20th, 2016, 1:41 pm

From what I can see on Tischer's website, they employ a three leg system of drop down/up which fills the width of the camper. Their constructions virtually the same, so the bulkhead should support something similar. The legs pictured have a 200kg rating, so it's down to the bulkhead/camper wall strength as to what will do the job.

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