Truck & camper Insurance/choice & purchase

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Who do you insure with?

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 21713Post mjb666
May 3rd, 2018, 10:36 pm

Bookend wrote:Who do you guys use for insurance?

Campton won't just insure the demountable :cry:

My pickup is covered on my company policy so I only need cover for the camper

EDITED 2017; I called Campton this morning (28th Dec) I am covered by them on my truck and demountable he confirmed that demountable campers are covered separately and together he was concerned that people are being told that this is not the case.MIKE
Just spotted this update Ref - Camptons.

Tom, you just need to get the pick-up insured now.
2005 Mitsubishi L200 Single Cab 4x2
Unknown Demountable

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 21726Post Alexd
May 4th, 2018, 6:39 pm

might an insurance broker be a good staring point here as they get commission after all for going out and finding cover after all

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 21735Post wonkywheel
May 4th, 2018, 7:54 pm

I just changed my insurance from Esure (£504 ) to Direct Line van cover
Your Vehicle Insurance premium:
(Inclusive of insurance premium tax where applicable) £283.36

- Date cover starts: 10/5/2018

- Date cover expires: //
- Cover level: Comprehensive
- Drivers: Insured only
- No claim discount: 9 years or more
- Protected no claim discount: Yes
- Class of Use: Business use for policyholder and spouse
- Voluntary excess: £200
- Guaranteed hire vehicle: No
- Legal protection: No
- Breakdown cover: No
- Payment method: Direct debit instalments with a credit card deposit


• You'll get up to £500 worth of cover for tools as standard

• The more vehicles you insure the more you could save

I need to wait until it comes into force before I complicate matters with a demountable. (Should I ever finish one)

It was the best on offer
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" .......(Winston Churchill)

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Camper aedificavit domum
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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 23905Post mjb666
October 16th, 2018, 8:45 pm ... omparison/

I have asked Jim Brown, Motorhome Enthusiast, who run's this site/Forum/Facebook Group if they will insure De-mountable Campers and he has stated YES.
2005 Mitsubishi L200 Single Cab 4x2
Unknown Demountable

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 23952Post Gordmac
October 21st, 2018, 11:02 am

Having recently bought a S Karosser EC6L on a 2.5l Hilux 4 door, both 07 I thought I would share my experience of insuring it.
It replaces a VW T4 insured, together with my car, by Privilidge. They gave me a quote of about £150 for a year on the pickup but wouldn't insure the demountable which was a shame as I am a very satisfied customer of Privilidge. I had a look at insuring the demountable on it's own. Only companies I found would do it were Crusader at about £240 or £180 with £250 excess and camping and caravan club at about £230 or £200 as a member.
Compton wouldn't insure the demountable on it's own but I went with them at about £250 for both with 8000 miles. Increasing the milage from 5000 to 8000 miles only cost a few pounds and increasing the excess would make only a few pounds difference and wasn't worth doing. Privilidge didn't charge a cancellation fee as they couldn't insure both.
Companies that wouldn't cover a demountable: caravan club, caravan guard,cover 4 caravans, saga, towergate. Safeguard cover ones that are on their list, mine wasn't.
What I don't get is why the demountable (and the VW) cost so much more than my Cayman to insure!

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 23957Post Alexd
October 21st, 2018, 4:20 pm

No idea on insuring one half of a truck/camper but it might be the demount is still a rarity on our roads
whereas a cayman is known quantity with lots of repair shops
plus parts easily available from Maker

We find in the event a damage claim, labour is largely known but its parts being the unknown (value) quantity

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 24295Post Nicky
November 24th, 2018, 5:11 pm

Hi All,
I wanted to add that I found it extremely difficult to get insurance because I needed business mileage in addition to social, domestic and pleasure. In the end I opted for NFU for everything. Truck, household and camper. In essence the demountable is insured on the household insurance and is classified as an ‘authorised’ load when it is on the truck. I visited my local branch in Stone, Staffordshire to sort it out and actually took photographs with me. Although the agent was bemused I can confirm that NFU have got a drop down box on their system so they do know what a demountable is.

As a word of warning, Aviva were lots cheaper for the truck insurance but when asked about the demountable their underwriters would not cover it as an authorised load so it actually would have voided the whole insurance.
Nicky, Staffordshire.
Wildtrak X + EC6eco

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 24296Post zildjian
November 24th, 2018, 5:19 pm

NFU again, well done on that, historically their Lincolnshire office once offered cover but it wasn't repeated for ages.
We have used them on occasion and found them OK and hope you do too.

Campton who cover for many members here have not been able to offer both business & pleasure cover you're right

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 27476Post GlynG
December 2nd, 2019, 9:21 pm

Is it possible to get UK insurance for home made truck campers?

It'll be a few years off but I plan on making a DIY camper to go on the back of my Tesla Cybertruck and

Do insurers have any specific requirements that might effect my design? I've heard of people in vans having to add a window to change to qualifying it as a motorhome but I don't intend to have any windows on mine.

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Re: Insurance & where to get it

Post: # 27507Post willf
December 10th, 2019, 8:42 pm

Davies Craddock insured ours no problem. Just demountable on its own.

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