Is it finished?


There's progress, slow progress but progress nonetheless as the cabinets begin to take shape. Although, using SketchUp, I designed the camper's framework accurately and in detail so that I could take dimensions straight from the drawings to the saw, I only used it to roughly come up with the internal layout so I'm having to design the cabinets and work out their detail as I'm making them. I don't have a problem with that but it does slow up the process. So far though, I'm pleased to say, they do more or less match my SketchUp plans.
This one, in the kitchen, will support work surface across its top and around onto the floor of the shallow luton. It's mostly taken up by the gas locker at the near end and the water heater at the far end but there is some useful storage space in there as well which I'll maximise by putting a shelf in above the heater. A combined sink and hob will be built into the top and will also impinge on that space a bit unfortunately.
Across the other side of the camper at floor level is the battery locker which will house two batteries, one above the other, on these sliding trays. The runners on which they are mounted are designed to carry 60 kilos per pair so will easily cope with the 30, or so, kilos of a battery.
And lastly there's the first of two cupboards which sit either side of the camper door. They'll both provide storage for shoes, tools, wine, or whatever, as well as hiding and protecting the electrics on this side (which is already installed) and the external shower on the other side (which is built but is waiting to be varnished before I fit it in).
Doors for all these still have to be made and hung of course. More significantly there's still the cabinetwork that will house the fridge and much more cupboard space in the camper's front right-hand corner and I haven't even worked out a design for that yet let alone built it!
Anybody know anything about snakes? On my way from the camper back across to the house I caught sight of this fella stalking a mouse in the roots of an old olive tree. About 70cms long, girth about 2cms. Unfortunately I missed his/her head which I understand is the main identifying feature. Grass Snake? Southern Smooth Snake?