Yes, big update! Early morning start today, started the welding of the frame.
And we finished welding the complete structure and the wheel arches.
Faster that we expected. Will post pictures soon.
Looks great!
Yesterday I made the profiles from the roof from a big plate of aluminum (with a little help of the great machinery of a friend of mine). Will be welding the roof next week probably.
No not my welding... trying to learn though, but left this project into the hands of a skilled professional.
It's pretty hard because the aluminum tends to warp pretty rapidly when welded, so you need to know how to proceed and where to apply the first tacks and how to finish off the welds later on.
Little bit more progress: did the cutting of the corners of the roofpanels. Which was a pain in the *ss to comprehend because of the different angles. So it took us the whole night to figure it out and cut it.
Creating the inner frame for the roof will be next and than trying to figure out the lifting mechanisme. ... be-square/