Hello everyone, from a new owner.

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Hello everyone, from a new owner.

Post: # 37997Post Footpeg
October 6th, 2024, 9:39 am

Hello all.

After a patient wait for my neighbours to change their leisure vehicle of choice, I am now the proud owner of a 1999 "Caravans Unlimited Inc" Camper twinned to a 2004 Ford 4x4 Ranger. I have no details of the model, other than its a US import and I can't find anything about the manufacturer on the internet. I was wondering if there are any knowledgeable sages out there who might point me in the right direction.

Anyway, really excited to have the combination and i took them for their first trip to some local fishing lakes overnight to test us all out. Brilliant, but as a single traveller, there must be a trick of getting the camper on and off the truck bed without have to jump out the cab 50 times. Its a very tight fit but I'm sure you all know that.

Great to be part of your group, great that there is group, hope to maybe meet up sometime in the future should that be an option.

Best regards to everyone,


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Re: Hello everyone, from a new owner.

Post: # 37998Post zildjian
October 6th, 2024, 10:36 am

Hello Mark and welcome,
not heard of either manufacturer or camper must say, do you have some pictures?

If American camper though, there have been many of them as they originated there of course.

In terms of loading them, it gets easier as you go along, there have been lots of ideas involving cameras, guide rails, bits of string and painted lines (the last of which is probably easiest until your used to it)
but level ground, reverse slowly in a straight line is always safest

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Re: Hello everyone, from a new owner.

Post: # 37999Post Footpeg
October 6th, 2024, 7:51 pm

Thanks for the reply Zildjian,

I'll try to attach some images of the camper and the makers plate which is attached.

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Re: Hello everyone, from a new owner.

Post: # 38000Post zildjian
October 6th, 2024, 8:36 pm

Oh right OK,
that's an 'Adventure' camper, they come up for sale used now and again,
(do a 'search' of site for 'Adventure' and you'l see lots of them)

Quite solid basis for restoration on occasion, but those I've seen come up used all seem to have survived in good condition
in fact I almost bought one some years back.

They were *I think* imported by Niche marketing at Louth in Lincolnshire during 80/90s from America
though Greg at Niche might be person to ask.

Niche solely import Northstar into UK these days.

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Re: Hello everyone, from a new owner.

Post: # 38001Post Footpeg
October 7th, 2024, 8:13 am

That’s great information.

All the best.

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