Stiffening suspension

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Stiffening suspension

Post: # 30345Post Wuzz
April 11th, 2021, 1:44 pm

Does anyone out there think it is necessary to beef up the rear suspension when carrying a demountable? I have mounted my Northstar 700 on a Hilux double cab and while it drives fine i do notice the bonnet is "up".

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Re: Stiffening suspension

Post: # 30346Post zildjian
April 11th, 2021, 2:29 pm

People have added cart springs with extra leaves that only connect when carrying extra load like a camper but typically most owners go for a couple of airbags that go in centre of spring (roughly where bumpstop is)
plenty available but Marcle have some; ... wards.html
sort of DIY but better done by garage with air tools

Inflated to around 20PSI these will correct headlamp/bonnet angle and provide a much, much nicer ride

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Re: Stiffening suspension

Post: # 31166Post kernowjon
August 3rd, 2021, 6:59 pm

The alternative to "air suspension" are mechanical spring helpers. There is a thread on these boards on this subject.
In favour of mechanical spring helpers is - they are simple, low tech and durable.
However the air suspension units are infinitely adjustable, but that rubber and road salt and crud does mean they have a limited life, and relatively they are costly!

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