biv box

Self builds and DIY projects
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Re: biv box

Post: # 34603Post sandylandy
April 29th, 2023, 10:52 am

This week I made measurements and used graph paper to draw out the (I thought) simple way to stash the electrical pwr distribution and Lithium batteries (2 x 120aH). I was just going to have them at the middle of the main living area on the wall (main bulkhead). I was to use angle and flat bar steel work welded to make the rack and aluminium cover panels. When the bed is extended / unfolded the batteries and pwr distribution would be out of sight. The Engel 12v fridge would slide underneath it.

Then I spent 3 evenings looking at the drawings and making sure there was no better way to do it. The batteries are being mounted inside to keep them warm. The warmth is achieved via a cheap diesel heater. The heater is to be housed in a DIY carrier box (as yet unmade and unfitted) on the exterior of the Bivbox, beside the rear hatch. Ducting (foil 100mm) puts the heated air in the Bivbox.

Perhaps if the carrier box was able to be larger the batteries and heater could be together and out of the living area. Thats where I reached before looking for stronger coffee.

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Re: biv box

Post: # 34604Post derestrictor
April 29th, 2023, 11:05 am

I will be interested to see how about controlling or regulating PV panel output. reminds me actually of comment my mate heard in (Ireland) at a solar panel sales place
salesman was saying how panels even generate power at nighttime from moonlight though he was promoting their stuff as night and day free power
not the negligible output generated by weak reflected sunlight

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Re: biv box

Post: # 34684Post sandylandy
May 8th, 2023, 1:12 pm

Pos Air Snorkel is under construction this week.
Also thinking of how to attach a roll of canvas in the rear hatchway -maybe just use some magnetic strip inside the canvas edge.

First freezing day of winter weather yesterday. Gales too. ... /102316152

But today it was clear and I took the Landy for an hour's drive to freshen the crank battery. It is still autumn and we got record cold temps.

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Re: biv box

Post: # 34716Post sandylandy
May 12th, 2023, 1:57 pm

This afternoon we went shopping at the canvas shop. We look at the various clips and methods but eventually decided to use shock cord in the hems and clips in the hatch frame for the cord. Its what we had in the previous (original) Landy canopy at that end.

This week the weather was sunny/clear and I took some solar panel readings on the hour from 1000 to 1700. I tried to cut the volts down with carpet etc, but one reading in the shade about 4pm (on 2 days) showed 0.5A with volts still over 30. :? I also looked at some brackets to tilt the panel... then bit the $300 bullet and purchased a pair of Victron panels. 115w and I will look for about 11A in parallel.

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Re: biv box

Post: # 34759Post sandylandy
May 18th, 2023, 7:38 am

Still awaiting delivery of those panels. Meanwhile some ill health and ill weather... but we did get to watch Gira D'Italia ride thru Amalfi/Positano! Nice TV!
I went over to our gear stash container and brought home some cargo items to test fit. Also managed a tiny job working up a bit of hardwood trim. It began as a template of the final trim but time is too short.

I have to do some M6 rivnuts and eyebolts around the steelwork to provide strongpoints to be able to secure cargo.

I would like to make a 1600 long 18mm thick benchseat back support along the sides. When travelling this backboard could cover over the Fridge in the middle floor and allow cargo to be stacked all the way across the bulkhead in the area below "the windscreen" and above the fridge. Fridge is an Engel 40litre with a top opening lid.
Interior test fit items - viewed from outside Rear Hatch
Interior test fit items - viewed from outside Rear Hatch

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Re: biv box

Post: # 34803Post sandylandy
May 23rd, 2023, 2:02 am

1. On my desk at the moment has half-finished pos-air filter, 2 new solar panels (tested perfect in the sun upon arrival y'day), inverter, LED strip lights, recond. diesel injector set, and....

a mini power outlet panel (USB, cig1 cig2)(Anderson input)(got it at trade price - aluminium casing with voltmeter and 20A blade fuse - for bedside install) ... p/A5644864

My friend and I took a trip down to the Snowy again and retrieved a Land Rover trailer. 400km. It was blowing a gale, 7degrees C, intermittent sleeting... and the peaks had snow cover already. Winter is here early. I also began the process of renewing the diesel stashed in jerries from April 2022. I only use BP Ultimate (the one with Kathon additive).

2. This week some informative and entertaining longer videos came up on Youtoob:

Daily outback expedition vlogs possible now via Starlink remote uploads.

One longterm vlogger just beginning (self-edits the video)


and another underway (transmit the raw vids up to an asian contractor to do the edits and upload the result daily).


and a techy one. Inverters are a pain. Unless you get a large heatsink design (footprint similar to a 12v battery) your inverter is not long for the world (experience talking here). Heat kills FETs. So why not get pro-active?


3. [edit] just had another sad phone call a minute ago. Just want to release some steam; aquaintance died last year in mid-life and others falling ill with cancers... 89yo FIL entering palliative care (he has regressed after "Covid brain" illness and is resisting food etc.) My 86yo Mum with dementia tested positive for Covid again/the ward infected again. After the policy of 2020-21 where they waited for end stage symptoms now they give and antiviral ASAP after a positive test. Too late for mis-treated millions. I still do not understand why did 99percent of the credentialed class -and 'Five-Eyes' troopers watched the credentialed cubicle stuffers slo-mo demolish the free world. In fact on social media they aided the process. White Squall.

On the bright side it turns out they did manage to cure the common cold a couple of decades ago (and awarded Nobel Prizes - thats really good news), but they did not publicise this advance at all (bad) because its the number one item in MIC turnover and employment. They are laughing at us. In mid 2021 after a year of "Stay Calm - go to a doctor and get a Ivermectin prescription" the Aussie labcoats banned it and listed Ivermectin as a poison (w/o a scientific reason). In 2 weeks (June 2023) Ivermectin is once again perfectly fine for your doctor to prescribe it again! Criminal negligence - every lawyer will retire on the tsunami of injury lawsuits in the works. So many ill ppl now after boostered boosters. Our TV channels and billboards are propagandising us - Health Dept labcoats are pushing public awareness of rare diseases -trying to sell them as commonplace - "see your doctor." I have never seen this level of reality manipulation - I have never experienced a biowarfare coverup before. [youtube][/youtube]

ps, since getting on D3 and Zinc in mid-2020 my wife and I have had zero coughs or colds. Nadda. Was the whole event just an elaborate civil defence exercise - was it a way to educate the younger generation for a future biowarfare event? It certainly honed my prepper awareness. Take note that Elon Musk said his enthusiasm for establishing a Mars colony was to provide a backup -a reserve- of humans - in case this planet is poisoned. Now that is extreme prepping! But he maybe knows something we don't. The Super chat Ai and the uber-powerful Quantum machines will crack every firewall, every encryption, in every bank, even Pentagon etc... and it is in process right now.

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Re: biv box

Post: # 34823Post sandylandy
May 26th, 2023, 5:30 am

After a good lunch (half a loaf of white sourdough i sliced, nice n thick with ham and HP) I got out the solder gear, cable and plugs, and made up the Y pieces needed for putting the solar panels in parallel.

Fitted and tested at 1330H / cloudless sky, winter sun; 20.9v @ 9.8A
so the Victrons work correctly. Just have to fit them on the rack now.

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Re: biv box

Post: # 34896Post sandylandy
June 3rd, 2023, 12:16 am

A fair bit of work prepping and selling unwanted items this week. Maybe a third of my "clear out" list is listed with pics. Busy. Inflows 11,000 AUD (~5000 GBP), outflows similar.

I have also decided to sell the recently covered trailer and use my larger trailer instead. It is longer and stronger, but difficult to man handle when loaded. Paperwork says it has a 750kg payload but it is Army spec and carries dbl that with ease. It is common knowledge but i proved it when using it for work on the organic farm project.

Mother is fine again after becoming positive last week but sadly the other octaganarian ppl not doing well. One passed, the other... well, discussion of a family memorial tree {costs a lot} for the family ashes etc made for a depressing morning tea.

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Re: biv box

Post: # 34944Post sandylandy
June 8th, 2023, 12:55 pm

The larger trailer roof is 1220mm wide and 2100mm long. I have just purchased a third identical victron 115w solar panel to fit the extra roof space and a total of 14Amp. One idea is to be able to have the roof separate to the sides just like the lid of a shoebox. The "lid" can be fixed with over center clamps and when its released it may be tilted for better sun reception. Maybe.

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