Weights and measures

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Weights and measures

Post: # 27508Post willf
December 10th, 2019, 10:14 pm

So I have an S Karosser from the wonderful Nolan. It’s an EC6SH 2.1

My truck has a load capacity of 1045kg

The camper i believe weighs 680kg
The wife and kids weigh 100kg

This leaves 265kg

We are planning a minimum 3 month trip next year possibly longer round Europe.

Bikes add 52kg
Kitesurf kit 15kg
Awning 26kg
Awning room 19kg
Solar panel 10kg
Camp chairs and table 6kg
Computer ipads etc 10kg
Gas cylinders 30kg
Water 60kg

That leaves 37kg and i havent added the air suspension or in car dvd players or toiletries or clothes.

Does anyone worry about this? Is it just me?

So I am thinking about a trailer to carry some kit and maybe provide a spare room to shove the kids in when we’ve had enough of each other.

Or a truck with a better payload.

How about a defender 130?

Any ideas? We love the demountable and like being able to ditch it and bomb into a town without hassle or being too big, i like NOT towing as it really is so much less stressful especially going backwards.

Cheers all


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Re: Weights and measures

Post: # 27513Post zildjian
December 11th, 2019, 8:36 pm

No you aren't the first to realise this, it's been covered at length by members previously, an SKarosser superbly made but you'd need to pay attention to what you carry, I have same camper and tend to fill with water at or near destination, possibly do shopping at same time as well!

I've only ever heard of one of our lot being weighed and that was somewhere abroad and involved dumping some freshwater in front of police to reduce weight, think of the caravans you've seen overloaded swaying along our motorway network and just how many of those actually get pulled up,
there was an outfit called SV something that offered to replate your truck to 3.5T bringing you back inline, you would then find you may be a little overweight on back axle but actually under on front, I don't know if they are still going they once took something like 60 days to process an application and a good deal of ridicule for something I could get done with DVLA in a day or so.

What I suggest is you upgrade your tyres to 1T carrying capacity each (spec printed on sidewall)
fit air suspension if not done so already, essentially if it 'looks right' it won't draw attention

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