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Post: # 33436Post kernowjon
September 4th, 2022, 6:46 pm

This is a help wanted. (You may have seen much the same post on the Facebook site). My unit a relatively unique 1999 SunTrekker has 4 electric jacks. The motor / top part has a label - LINAK LA34 MEDLINE they are made in Denmark.

One of them has stopped working - I can hear the motor so assume it is a mechanical fault lifting screw or nut? Before I start a stripdown does anyone know anything about these jacks or have a manual.

I believe the lifting part is intended for dentists chairs, operating tables and other patient lifts. They are very quiet in operation, but any help before surgery commences will be appreciated.

The full story is I had the unit off the PU - tip runs with garden rubbish. My splat slopes up then down so at the point of loading the tailgate is very high, consequently the jacks need full extension. For greater stability I lowered the unit while it was off the truck. When we came to jack up to full extent, one of the front jacks would not lift. We could hear the motor hum but no movement. AGHHH!!! - Getting the unit on took ages utilising a dustbin - a screw jack and baulks of wood - very bodgy :cry: - nearly brained myself at one point - fortunately Sandra my partner caught the falling jack. We got the unit on - a bit far back (about 6 inches) a couple of emergency stop type brakes have slid it into position.


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