How to ship a vintage camper

Tandy & Tischer campers from that era
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How to ship a vintage camper

Post: # 31000Post Regina
July 12th, 2021, 10:03 pm

Recently I purchase an vintage camper and it required some body work as well as mechanical work. I want to take it to my place and the distance is about 200 miles. I am thinking to hire Want to know if it is good idea or is there any other way. Thanks

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Re: How to ship an vintage camper

Post: # 31001Post zildjian
July 13th, 2021, 6:13 am

Hi, when you say 'camper' are you referring to one of our demountable's or a motorhome?

Demount's really only travel anywhere on back of pickuo, they don't do well being lifted onto back of flatbed trucks
with a HIAB crane and straps as the roof gets crushed where straps tighten on edges,
something on wheels however instead can be collected by any recovery type truck, plenty of those on ebay ; ... ry&_sop=12

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