Shameless promotion of my little travel journal

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Shameless promotion of my little travel journal

Post: # 26684Post Badger
August 12th, 2019, 5:02 pm


I have written a book based on two visits to the West coast of Scotland in my S-Karosser demountable. The book is basically a travel journal but it leans heavily on my camper experiences and some of the fun and characters I encountered on my way.

This web link should take you to a page which will give you the introduction.
and there is a link at the bottom of that page to the Amazon page where the book can be bought, if any one is kind enough, bored enough or interested enough to do so.

If you do buy the book, I hope you enjoy it.

Many thanks for humouring me this far.

Steve (Badger).

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Re: Shameless promotion of my little travel journal

Post: # 26689Post zildjian
August 12th, 2019, 7:22 pm

Yep, read it :)
account of travel in Scotland with a Swedish SKarosser camper as home
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Re: Shameless promotion of my little travel journal

Post: # 29112Post kernowjon
August 29th, 2020, 11:19 pm

Read it - loaded on my Kindle. Thanks I did enjoy it.
Only criticism I thought you made a bit of a meal "hamming up" Bealach na Ba. We came over from Applecross in our little 1300cc Daihatsu Hijet with a Romahome demountable body and experienced no problems. Most in 2nd and third gear only occassionally down to first . To be clear neither I or my partner Sandra are lightweights.
That said it was a very enjoyable read and I would recomend it to everyone.

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