Torklift in the U.K.

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Torklift in the U.K.

Post: # 24653Post CooperSmith
January 7th, 2019, 10:55 am

Is anyone using the Torklift system on a Nissan Navara (NP300/D23). Would like your thoughts on the system, and how I can get hold of them in the U.K. withought spending literally 100’s on just the shipping.


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Re: Torklift in the U.K.

Post: # 24676Post mjb666
January 9th, 2019, 10:30 am

Hi & Welcome to the Forum

How about contacting Gregory Howman at Niche RV - UK dealers for Northstar Campers. They import their De-mountable's from the States, maybe they could help you source what you need & share the carriage?

Last edited by mjb666 on April 15th, 2019, 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Torklift in the U.K.

Post: # 25528Post mjb666
April 14th, 2019, 2:45 pm

Hi CooperSmith

I'm curious to find out if you have got any further trying to find a source for these?

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Re: Torklift in the U.K.

Post: # 29111Post kernowjon
August 29th, 2020, 11:06 pm

I have bought a Torklift GloSteps on ebay - a tortuous search sold to me by Truckcampers of Australia, shipped direct from Torklift Washington State USA via Ebay international shipping toatal cost with shipping £420.48. Here is a link to Truckcampers ebay ... 2749.l2754

I found the same on Amazon but £707 - ouch


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