I've scoured the net, and this forum, but cant really find any reliable info on height of a demountable.
I'll need to store mine in a garage - with limited head room - so i either need a pop top or, need to know if a hard top could be rolled in after demounting.
So I need to know :
1.the height when mounted on an average truck - (l200,navarra etc) for a pop top
2.the height of a pop top, off vehicle, at its lowest possible setting
3. height of a hard top, off vehicle, at its lowest possible setting.
If anyone can measure theirs that would be great, as i don't need to know "about 7ft"..I need it accurate. Every inch matters

I'm thinking i can make up a jig/dolly of some kind so that the whole thing can be demounted on the drive, lowered, and then pushed into the garage at its lowest height. But then a pop top might even go in while still on the tuck.