Height clearance - on and off vehicle

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Height clearance - on and off vehicle

Post: # 25472Post nugentd
April 10th, 2019, 5:17 pm

Hi all,
I've scoured the net, and this forum, but cant really find any reliable info on height of a demountable.
I'll need to store mine in a garage - with limited head room - so i either need a pop top or, need to know if a hard top could be rolled in after demounting.

So I need to know :
1.the height when mounted on an average truck - (l200,navarra etc) for a pop top
2.the height of a pop top, off vehicle, at its lowest possible setting
3. height of a hard top, off vehicle, at its lowest possible setting.

If anyone can measure theirs that would be great, as i don't need to know "about 7ft"..I need it accurate. Every inch matters ;-)

I'm thinking i can make up a jig/dolly of some kind so that the whole thing can be demounted on the drive, lowered, and then pushed into the garage at its lowest height. But then a pop top might even go in while still on the tuck.


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Re: Height clearance - on and off vehicle

Post: # 25473Post zildjian
April 10th, 2019, 6:19 pm

Hello there and welcome, question is a little unusual in most people are concerned more with overall length (ferry pricings) than height usually, but my hilux with a hard side camper fitted is roughly 3m from ground to roof level, can only think of one member here has luxury of shed for his but thats rare.
Few members drop camper as low as possible usually onto a trolley so they can at least push camper into a corner of drive over Winter
but mine would still be 2.5 so you'd need a sizeable building.

Can think of someone else has a Tischer/VW Caddy and I'm sure he said he can get that in a garage I'll ask him

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Re: Height clearance - on and off vehicle

Post: # 25476Post derestrictor
April 10th, 2019, 7:10 pm

Welcome to the site. and good luck with height questions, bear in mind it might be easier to rent a barn somewhere instead :mrgreen:

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Re: Height clearance - on and off vehicle

Post: # 28754Post DoubleOSeven
July 14th, 2020, 3:11 pm

fao. zildjian

Did you manage find out if they could get their Caddy/Tischer in a garage?

I'm a newbie, but keen to follow this route if it can be done.

zildjian, "Can think of someone else has a Tischer/VW Caddy and I'm sure he said he can get that in a garage I'll ask him"

My garage (H) 1.95m x (W) 2.10m
1989 Volkswagen Golf CL
1984 Volkswagen Caravelle C

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Re: Height clearance - on and off vehicle

Post: # 28755Post zildjian
July 14th, 2020, 8:18 pm

Apparently tischer (early N model) will fit in his garage mounted on Caddy!

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