The new tax disc ruling

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The new tax disc ruling

Post: # 221Post rubberrat
August 26th, 2014, 9:43 pm does it affect you? I find it a real pain and a bit of a rip off.
Firstly, if you sell a vehicle - say on the 15th of a month, you can't now pass on (or sell) the remaining (say) four and a half months road tax to the new owner to drive home with.
You reclaim unused full months (so get four months back) Then when you buy your replacement vehicle, again you don't benefit for any remaining RFL, but have to buy new... back dated to the first of the current month! Thus lose twice.

I suspect considerable lobbying by the SMMT here to inpocket ministers. This also makes it difficult to those of us who prefer to sell/buy privately (saving thousands) as it will now be very difficult to travel 150 miles to view a vehicle, buy it, insure over the phone on completion for immediate cover and drive home.
The DVLC database will take at least 24 hours to catch up with the insurance flag from ASKMID, so will mean a separate trip back to collect.
Great for dealers who usually sell withing their own catchment area, but a lose lose for the financially savvy amongst us.
More folk PX'ing for peanuts and paying top dealer price, again losing twice.
Private sales - unless something really important warranting a double trip will be forced to be local purchases or sales only.

Did that sound ranty enough for a new post in chat? I don't even read the daily mail ;)
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Re: The new tax disc ruling

Post: # 305Post zildjian
August 28th, 2014, 4:08 pm

......annnnnd breathe :lol:

If Gordon had won we'd have been expected to retrospectively agree to monster RFL on anything beyond a micra so in retrospect it seems less painful perhaps, for those of limiting ourselves to just the one car these days and keeping it a long time its not so bad,

at one point I was seriously considering an old exempt LR out of spite! fortunately good sense prevailed and they dragged poor Gordon from Downing St kicking & screaming

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